About Us

This sweet face is the name behind it all! If you know Ava, you know she always has a smile on her face and a bow on her head! She is the sassiest, most talkative, energetic, beautiful blessing in our life! Ava is our first “human” child, as she has 3 furry older brothers that love her just as much as we do.

Ava Belle was med-flighted to Riley Children’s Hospital at only 3 weeks old late this past winter. We were at Riley for 4 days and although we were not their most critical patient, we still received THE BEST CARE ever! As my husband and I walked the halls, we saw families all over the place with their children; some critically ill and others battling issues that we have no clue about. It was startling to see how many children have extended stays at Riley and how many families cannot take their children home with them each night. All we could think was Thank God we are bringing home our HEALTHY beautiful little girl! Our trip there could have ended so much differently than it did. We will head back down this fall for minor, outpatient surgery.

We started Ava Belle Boutique for a few reasons; Yes, I am bow obsessed and ALWAYS dress Ava with a bow! I started making them this past winter and fell in love with it! Most importantly, we want to spread our little girl’s smile to other kids who spend a great amount of time receiving care at a children’s hospital. What better way to do that than with a bow! 

We are blessed to have our little girl at home with us every day. Not all families are that fortunate; some have children who live at the hospital or receive treatment and care daily. Ava Belle Boutique is setting aside 10% profit from every order for the kids at Riley Children’s Hospital! At every major holiday, we will use the funds to make bows and send treasures for the kids at Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, IN who spend the majority of their days at the hospital and cannot celebrate holiday’s as other children can.

We are so excited to get started on this journey! We appreciate your support of our small business and your efforts in sending love to the kids at Riley Children’s Hospital.