Christmas Announcement #1

Last year we provided 2 local families with Thanksgiving dinner. We helped 3 local families provide gifts and food for their children at Christmas time. We donated over 20 bags of food to the St Joe Country Humane Society. We cleared the Amazon wish list for the Ronald McDonald house at Riley Children’s Hospital TWICE!!!

This year, Ava Belle Boutique is going to set aside 50% of EVERY SALE the month of November to use to keep spreading holiday cheer to those in need. This money will buy Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for local families as well as Christmas presents for 2-3 families we are adopting through a local organization (Angels in the Attic).

The whole month of November, we are also matching 1 non- perishable food item for every 1 bow sold that will be donated to missions around our community that feed those in need.